VIMANA and TDM Systems Announce Partnership to Enhance Tool Lifecycle Management for Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory

VIMANA and TDM Systems announce a partnership to provide the communication and exchange of tooling and production data so manufacturers can have tighter integration of design and manufacturing processes, reduced tooling costs, and decreased time to market.

Tooling data directly from the machine tool has the potential to continuously improve manufacturing process planning. Tooling data, including information from the magazine, can be effectively used to gain insights into their usage, and to identify ways of optimizing usage to reduce costs. VIMANA by VIMANA connects securely to a wide array of machine tool controllers leveraging the MTConnect standard. VIMANA Enrich augments the standardized machine data with contextual understanding of the true state of the manufacturing process, enabling effective decisions to improve tool usage. 

VIMANA powers TDM’s Machine Control Connector (MCC) and provides bidirectional communication between the machine tool and TDM Systems software to bring real-time tooling information to the hands of the user, and feedback from the user back to the machine tool. This includes tool usage, tool life, and magazine status. TDM provides the centralized platform between ERP, PLM/CAM, MES applications and machining at the machine tool.

The joint solution will be previewed at the TDM Systems (E-4802) and VIMANA (E-4149) booths at IMTS 2016 in Chicago, September 12th through the 17th. 

“We are extremely excited for our partnership with System Insights. With VIMANA, our clients will be able capture data from the machine tool and tool magazine to enable the integration of real-time shop floor tool data, ERP, CAM and production level data from MES systems to maximize the efficient use of tooling equipment, locally, and across plants.”

— Peter Schneck, Managing Director, TDM Systems

“The partnership with TDM Systems offers a strategic opportunity for VIMANA to demonstrate the value of the VIMANA Suite. VIMANA Connect enables secure connection to a wide variety of tooling assets and machine tools, and VIMANA Enrich augments the data to add context about the machining process, and VIMANA Tooling provides analytics for insight into cutting tool usage, best practices in tool selection, and process planning to improve tool management, optimize cycle time, and reduce costs. TDM Systems is an important partner for manufacturing companies tackling Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory client initiatives.” — Rick Moran, President & CEO, VIMANA