Data & Diversity in Manufacturing at IMTS 2018

WIBD will hold its inaugural manufacturing industry event at IMTS 2018

Chicago, IL – August 16, 2018 – Chicago’s Women in Big Data (WIBD) will hold its inaugural event at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) 2018 titled “Digital Transformation: Gaining a Competitive Advantage with Data and Diversity”. The event is open to conference attendees (men and women) and will be held at McCormick Place, in the South Building on Thursday Sept, 13th, in room S401 at 2pm.

Women make up 47.5% of the workforce, yet in manufacturing women only make up 29% of the industry, according to the US Census Bureau 2016 data – US manufacturing has a large gender and diversity disparity, and progress has been made, but is slow.

While manufacturing is facing a seemingly perpetual skills shortage, more and more women are entering the industry and moving into leadership positions while influencing the industry as a whole.

“This event will be a great opportunity to gain practical knowledge of how organizations are using data and advanced manufacturing solutions to transform manufacturing operations and gain competitive advantage.  We are excited to bring this event to IMTS so attendees can learn from women who are thought leaders and innovators in the industry”, stated Susy Mark, Director of Marketing at VIMANA.

Join these influencers as they discuss the hurdles it took to get to where they are, the successes they’ve encountered once they got there, and how diversity and data will be the key drivers for the next era of successful businesses. Regardless of company size, this session will benefit those on the shop floor to the enterprise so they can learn tips and tricks in using manufacturing data to make better business decisions and how it can drive competitive advantage.

The events format will feature a panel, and peer-to-peer discussions along with networking time.  The panel will represent small as well as large OEM manufacturers, academic digital transformation leaders, and leading software/solution providers of smart manufacturing.

The panel session will be moderated by Susy Mark, Director of Marketing for VIMANA.

The panel includes:

  • Nina Anderson, Data Scientist, Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT)
  • Jane Bailey, Vice President of Product Marketing for Digital, GE Digital
  • Kim Cato, IT Director, Whirlpool Corporation
  • Ester Codina, Managing Director, Sandvik Coromant
  • Noel Greis, Adjunct Professor of Operations, Kenan-Flagler Business School, UNC-Chapel Hill | Director, Center for Digital Enterprise & Innovation, UNC Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise | President, Kinefac Corporation
  • Stephanie Hendrixson, Writer & Editor, Gardner Business Media (Additive Manufacturing Magazine)
  • Elisabeth Smith, President & CEO, Acutec Precision Machining

The event is made possible by our sponsors: Women in Big Data, VIMANA, Centrally Human, AMT/IMTS, GE Digital, Modern Machine Shop, Acutec Precision Machining, Sandvik Coromant, Whirlpool Corporation, University of North Carolina, & Kinefac Corporation

A thank you to VIMANA, GE Renewable Energy Digital, and Centrally Human for planning and executing the event.

For more information or to register for this FREE event, visit: