VIMANA Launches Configurable, Self-Serve Analytics Functionality

VIMANA, The Language of Smart Manufacturing, launches new functionalities to be included as part of VIMANA Elevate – Enterprise Edition Software. Currently, VIMANA’s analytics software leverages pre-built templates and standardized KPIs providing customers with a turn-key, easy, and fast way to implement real-time performance dashboards and historical reporting for deep insights and problem solving. Beginning today, VIMANA is augmenting its existing solutions, and launching a new feature set providing the user control over configuring their own data parameters and visualizations to meet the needs of their organization.

Configurable Dashboard

VIMANA’s new Configurable Dashboards enable users to build their own dashboards using pre-made templates where they can view their most important KPIs and visualizations. This user defined, self-service data preparation gives users the control to look at the data the way they want to see it, allowing rapid insight for smarter action. They are customizable by role and relevant KPIs and parameters for each device, line, cell, process, and plant. Users can build an unlimited number of dashboards that are customized to their needs. VIMANA will help them see, understand, and communicate the data quickly. Users will be able to eliminate or reduce the need for post processing data, saving them time and manual manipulation, to view information in user defined formats.

VIMANA is also launching the new Configurable Operator Panel, which will enable users to configure relevant data classifications and metrics that align to operators and devices. An operator can ‘add’ deeper insight into why their machine is not producing and augment the classification for deeper data insight and interpretation. Configuring data relevant to each operator will drive better insight into problem identification and performance.

A large maintenance and repair organization using an early feature release shared, “VIMANA’s new configurable operator panel is increasing our machine operator’s engagement due to their customization of the feedback for downtime classifications, capturing digital records of machine events, and having transparency to real-time performance. We are also beginning to customize dashboards by persona starting with maintenance so that users can see only the data that is relevant to their role which is increasing the speed and ease of understanding the data.”

Configurable Operator Panel
“Our VIMANA development team focuses on front-end agility and back-end stability. What that means to our customers it that we will continually release software enhancements to meet customer demands and lead the market in discrete advanced manufacturing analytics functionality. Configurability is something our existing users have asked for and we are very excited to be able to take their feedback and incorporate it into our products,” stated Dr. Athulan Vijayaraghavan, Founder and Chief Technology Officer at VIMANA.