VIMANA’s Founder to Speak about Internet of Things for Manufacturing at Georgia Tech

Berkeley, CA – VIMANA announced that company founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Will Sobel will be speaking at the Internet of Things for Manufacturing Workshop at Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute on November 11th in Atlanta, GA.

Will Sobel will be giving a talk titled MTConnect and the IIOTfdm: Industrial Internet of Things for discrete manufacturing. Will Sobel will discuss the changing landscape of the shop floor as architectures that support industrial analytics gain prominence, and how MTConnect plays a key role in the evolving ecosystem of advanced manufacturing analytics. While at first glance, the industrial internet is rife with standards, these standards play different roles in the acquisition, integration, and dissemination of data from manufacturing equipment to applications that turn that data into knowledge. Along this path, the data needs to acquire meaning and context, that is where standards like MTConnect come in.

Will Sobel, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of VIMANA, stated, “MTConnect provides meaning and structure to the unstructured manufacturing data coming from machine tools and other shop floor equipment and is developing the information models to enable the shop floor digital thread. MTConnect also provides a simple communications protocol that provides a standards based approach to securing the intersection between Information Technology and Operations Technology (IT/OT).”

The Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute brings together top researchers and thought leaders from the many varied disciplines that shape manufacturing — science, engineering, policy, robotics, and management — to help define and solve some of the greatest challenges facing U.S. industry today. Attendees of the workshop will learn about current issues in the Internet of Things for Manufacturing from the leaders in corporate America, government and academia.